Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Forward or Reverse? Which way should the country go?

President Obama recently compared the two parties with the transmission of a car. The Democrats stand for drive or forward and the Republicans are the party of Reverse.. My initial response is to ask you a few questions. First, where do you stand today? Do you want more economic destruction at the hands of the Democrats and Obama? Is your healthcare better, less expensive, easier to obtain? Have any of the President's policies or agenda actually strengthened our country? Do we currently have the respect of any nations in the world? Is our financial system sound? Is our economy heading in the right direction? Is our business climate good? What steps has the President taken to improve our economy? Can we afford one more worthless liberal scheme claiming to stimulate the economy? Could all of this be purposeful? Is the true change he seeks be the destruction of our way of life? President Obama has had full control of Congress and our economy for long enough. In the last 18 months the President and Congress have spent more money they don’t have than all the previous administrations through Ronald Reagan. They have wasted trillions of dollars with no increase in employment. Their programs are designed to keep us unemployed and on our knees (extended unemployment insurance, taking trillions out of the economy to fund expanded government, oppressive regulations on banking, moratoriums on drilling, taking over entire industries are all job killers). The entire country is facing bankruptcy, if we don’t change something. Today, reverse is a good direction. We need to move back to a free market, growing economy with less government burden and over regulation. We need fewer government union jobs, more private sector jobs. We need to stop the assault on our businesses in the name of bailout and security. No more government programs designed to “save us”. Today, we can throw the bums out, reverse course and regain the greatness that is our hard fought birthright. The only way to reclaim our country and move forward toward success is to remove those in power that have driven us off this cliff.

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