Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Who's up for the challenge part 2

Now, lets look at Hilary's Agenda. Her first item on her list, Racial Justice. What does that mean? Do we need a different set of laws based on race? When someone breaks a law, resists arrest and gets hurt is that a problem with the justice system in America or the person breaking the law? Next she wants to raise middle class income. Nice idea, Democrats are notoriously bad at anything that would increase income for anyone but themselves. Her way to increase my income involves "investing in more infrastructure, clean energy and research".  What that really means is spending money we don't have to give to her buddies the unions, universities and solar firms our cash. Seems like we have been doing that for the last 8 years. How is that working for you? My income has been flat for the last 8 years. She wants to guarantee college affordability. What does that mean? Who is paying for that? She wants to raise the minimum wage. That has been tried and failed to increase income for the middle class and reduced the number of jobs available to younger first time employees.  Next, she wants to increase taxes on the wealthy.  How many people have gotten a job from the poor? Her economic plans echo our current failed president. Can you afford another 4 years of failure? Her tag line for her economic plan is fair growth. What does that mean? Didn't her parents ever tell her life isn't fair? Who is going to arbitrate what is fair? I can just imagine her Justice department hiring hundreds of attorneys to start investigating and suing American business because they are not growing fairly...She wants to force businesses to share profits with their employees through government force.
Next on her agenda is saving planned parenthood, an organization that sells aborted baby parts for profit. That speaks volumes about her character and belief in life. She supports and wants to force all the liberal LBGT agenda on us. 
As I read on, she is already planning to enter office and use executive orders to gut our immigration laws and grant citizenship to millions of people. She wants to grant illegal immigrants access to Obamacare further crushing an already failed system.  That is one of my major problems with liberals, they only want everyone else to follow the law. They hold our law in high disregard and consistently act outside our constitution. 
She touts her foreign policy while she was secretary of state.  Seems to me our friendships have been strained as Obama continues to cuddle up to our enemies. Countries that seek our destruction. The results of their policies include ISIS, Russian aggression, Iranian missile launches and terrorist attacks across the world. We face more threats than ever before. Her term as secretary of state was a dismal failure. 
I'm sorry as I read more of her agenda it just exhausts me. Her plans are continuing the failed liberal policies that don't work. She has lied many times to the American people. She contributed to the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya. She wants to be President purely for the power, she wants to force her agenda down our throats just like Obama. As you can tell I'm a little raw and don't look forward to more Liberal agenda forced on me. Please don't contribute or vote for this traitor. Her plans will cripple and bankrupt us.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Who is up to the challenge part 1

H1As we face perhaps the most important decision of our political lives, who is up to the challenge of righting America's ship of state? Who's solutions will actually work? Who even knows what is wrong with America today? Is it Bernie Sanders? Do we need to force income equality on our nation through more government taxation and income redistribution?  Do we have institutional racism that is oppressing minorities? Are we safer in today's world if we don't defend ourselves? Is climate change real or man made? Can the government be trusted to make college affordable and accessible  after their amazing health care reform that is neither? Is gun violence a national issue that requires more and more government rules to protect us? Are the poverty programs currently in place working and is more government the solution to the Obama villages popping up all over the country? Is taxing the rich the solution to anything other than funding the next liberal boondoggle? Do we  have a problem with racial justice in our country or do we have a problem with a society that encourages their youth to be thugs?  Is the union movement working for American manufacturing, adding jobs, making our country stronger?

I have just listed the main items that Bernie Sanders is worried about in his campaign.  After 8 years of progressive leadership in America are any of these problems solved? Are we better off today than we were 8 years ago?  Will more liberal policies and wasting our tax money and/or putting us further into debt the solution to what is wrong in America today? For me the answer is no! Not one more government program. Not one more government solution. The government is not the answer. Liberal policies have put America into our current state. More of the same would lead to more pain.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

State of Who's Union?

President Obama is a little over 12 months away from leaving office and it can't happen soon enough! Last night he spoke in front of Congress and could not help but pat himself on the back for all of his great accomplishments. Personally, I am still looking for one good thing he has done for America. I am afraid Obama is speaking about the world inside of his head instead of the real world. In his head, he helped millions of Americans get jobs. In his mind he talks about the great stock market rally of 2015. In his mind he made a more peaceful world by pandering to our enemies and weakening our allies. In his mind race relations in our country have improved. In his mind America is safer, strong and healthy.  I am afraid the President is a little more than delusional at this point. In his mind he accomplished much. Let's take a look at the reality that describes the catastrophic Presidency of the last 7 years.

First, Obama took office in 2009 after an economy wrecking collapse of our stock and housing markets. Though he didn't cause the problem he did very little to help our economy recover. Instead of trying to spur investment and rebuild our broken economy, he let the country languish in a deep recession, while he fought for and finally got the Obama Care law passed.  His solution for fixing the economy involved increasing governments size and scope and a breathtaking pace. He put in huge banking reforms that stifled credit and caused many more businesses to fail. He spent money we didn't have to fill the coffers of his union construction friends.  He crushed the employment market by attacking business in just about every way, from the new Obama care insurance costs, to increasing minimum wage, to the cost of money.  In this environment, more and more people lost their jobs.  Instead of business and banks loaning money to the private sector immense amounts of cash poured into the government bond selling required to fund all of the growth in the government.

Second, Obama chose to embrace our enemies across the globe. He chose to support the Arab spring. He bowed to Saudi kings. He sought to make a deal with the Iranians who have been responsible for more American deaths in the last 15 years than any other country in the world.  He didn't support the Ukraine. The list goes on and on. The result has been the growth of groups who want to destroy us. The result is the world no longer respects us and our standing has been weakened.  Part of what keeps us safe in the world is the respect countries used to give us based on our ability to defend ourselves. With Obama at the helm our military has been gutted. Our friends are weakened and the security we used to enjoy is threatened daily as his limp and lame policies bare their poisonous fruit.

Third, Obama has sought to tear down the pillars of our society.  America is great because of our families, our faith, the rule of law, our business and the freedom our constitutional democracy has delivered.  Under Obama, he and the courts have sought to redefine the family. His lawyers have fought to destroy marriage as we know it. He has personally derided and his administration continually attacks people of faith with his overreaching rules and regulations.  Lawsuits attack Catholics and protestants alike. The only group he seems to leave alone is the Muslims. It makes you wonder.  Instead of working with congress to pass legislation he sits in his throne and hands down edicts and his administration shoves regulations down our throats,  targeting those that don't support him.  An example is the unconstitutional regulations by the EPA attempting to  the destroy the coal industry.  Another are his green house gas policies and its effects on our lives.

Fourth, Obama has taken his power and attacked those that don't support him. This started with attacking tea party groups by the IRS.  Next, we have the IRS auditing his enemies. Finally, we have his justice department attempting to put the likes Dinesh D'Sousa in jail (for the crime of making a movie that attacks the president).  This should not be happening in America, but Obama is leading his goons as they continue their attacks.

Fifth, The Obama administration has been one of the most corrupt in history. From his gifts to the solar industry that cost the American public billions we don't have, to his unconstitutional appointments to boards without Congress' consent. His secretary of state (Hillary Clinton) sold influence and helped broker deals giving Russia control of vast uranium deposits while her husbands "charity" rated in millions.  Perhaps the most amazing of all of Obama's corrupt actions surround the Benghazi slaughter of our ambassador and our men attempting to protect him.  Obama's reaction was to blame a movie producer in Los Angeles, even when he knew what happened was a terrorist attack. He didn't want this to spoil his narrative that he had won the war on terror by killing Osama bin Laden. Instead of rushing support to our citizen's Obama and Hillary sat on their hands. They didn't want a defeat right before the election. So out came the liars. To the press. To the United Nations on they went spreading heaping piles of filth instead of taking responsibility for their actions. Obama lied to the families, he lied to the American people then spent months and years trying to cover it up.

Sixth, the rule of law is under attack in America today. Just look at how the Obama administration is dealing with race relations, felons in prison and even terrorists help in Cuba.  Obama's justice department has spent more time pursuing police departments, than is has drug dealers and terrorists. He traded 5 hardened terrorists for 1 traitor. We now face those same men in the battlefield while Bo Bergdahl sits in prison waiting for his trial for desertion.  Why would he make such a trade?  Why would he want to release felons before there terms are up? Why would he target police trying to keep our streets safe?

Finally, lets talk to a second about the Obama economy.  You don't have to look very far to see the results of the Obama policies.  Just drive around downtown LA. Now most overpasses around the center of town are filled with tents of the homeless devastated by the Obama economy. Instead of the low unemployment rate Obama cites, we have millions of Americans that have given up. They lost everything in the crash and now rely on the government or just live on the street.  The labor participation rate is the lowest in modern times. We have to go back to the depression to see this many people out of work and unable to find a job that pays enough.  Millions more are underemployed, trapped in part time jobs because Obamacare isn't required if you work less then a certain number of hours a week.  He claims he has added all of these jobs, his policies have killed jobs.  The  stock gains over the last years are anticipating his departure. Now our smothered recovery is dying and the market is crashing.  Obama's response, lets shut down the coal industry in the western United States. Wouldn't want any minors working for a living.  Obama's passion to save the planet is destroying our country, one industry at a time.

So all in all I would say the Obama legacy is just what he came into to office to do. He wanted to fundamentally change America. He wanted to knock us down a peg so we wouldn't be able to lead the world. He Hates America. You can see it in his eyes. You know it because the man can't give a speech without a teleprompter. His teleprompter is the only tool that has kept America from learning his real intent. Our destruction. I only hope and pray America is smart enough to elect someone who is a patriot, who loves our constitution and the freedoms we once enjoyed. I hope they can turn back the Obama devastation, and right our sinking ship.