Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Who's up for the challenge part 2

Now, lets look at Hilary's Agenda. Her first item on her list, Racial Justice. What does that mean? Do we need a different set of laws based on race? When someone breaks a law, resists arrest and gets hurt is that a problem with the justice system in America or the person breaking the law? Next she wants to raise middle class income. Nice idea, Democrats are notoriously bad at anything that would increase income for anyone but themselves. Her way to increase my income involves "investing in more infrastructure, clean energy and research".  What that really means is spending money we don't have to give to her buddies the unions, universities and solar firms our cash. Seems like we have been doing that for the last 8 years. How is that working for you? My income has been flat for the last 8 years. She wants to guarantee college affordability. What does that mean? Who is paying for that? She wants to raise the minimum wage. That has been tried and failed to increase income for the middle class and reduced the number of jobs available to younger first time employees.  Next, she wants to increase taxes on the wealthy.  How many people have gotten a job from the poor? Her economic plans echo our current failed president. Can you afford another 4 years of failure? Her tag line for her economic plan is fair growth. What does that mean? Didn't her parents ever tell her life isn't fair? Who is going to arbitrate what is fair? I can just imagine her Justice department hiring hundreds of attorneys to start investigating and suing American business because they are not growing fairly...She wants to force businesses to share profits with their employees through government force.
Next on her agenda is saving planned parenthood, an organization that sells aborted baby parts for profit. That speaks volumes about her character and belief in life. She supports and wants to force all the liberal LBGT agenda on us. 
As I read on, she is already planning to enter office and use executive orders to gut our immigration laws and grant citizenship to millions of people. She wants to grant illegal immigrants access to Obamacare further crushing an already failed system.  That is one of my major problems with liberals, they only want everyone else to follow the law. They hold our law in high disregard and consistently act outside our constitution. 
She touts her foreign policy while she was secretary of state.  Seems to me our friendships have been strained as Obama continues to cuddle up to our enemies. Countries that seek our destruction. The results of their policies include ISIS, Russian aggression, Iranian missile launches and terrorist attacks across the world. We face more threats than ever before. Her term as secretary of state was a dismal failure. 
I'm sorry as I read more of her agenda it just exhausts me. Her plans are continuing the failed liberal policies that don't work. She has lied many times to the American people. She contributed to the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya. She wants to be President purely for the power, she wants to force her agenda down our throats just like Obama. As you can tell I'm a little raw and don't look forward to more Liberal agenda forced on me. Please don't contribute or vote for this traitor. Her plans will cripple and bankrupt us.

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