Who is this demagogue about to ascend to the presidency?
Why is America ready to elect this man? Obama refused to release his real birth certificate. His school records are sealed. His records when he was a state senator are sealed. He has no record he is willing to share with the American people. Why is he hiding all this information? Could it be because he believes what his good friends believe? Is he even a true citizen of this country? Why is this being covered up?
How can America be so ready to elect a person who seeks to spread the wealth around? Do we understand what that really means?
The Obama tax plan will have the same effect on our economy as the recent market crash. Huge amounts of money will flow out of the economy and into the government. He will then decide who should receive what. Obama claims the current economic crisis is due to George Bush. George Bush went to Congress no less than 15 times to try to nip the Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac disaster in the bud. Who stopped him? Democrats! Why did the Democrats stop him? Could it be the millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the Fannie, Freddy group? Especially the millions that flowed into the Obama campaign coffers. The collapse of Fannie and Freddie was predicted by George Bush and John McCain. They called for reform and were turned away.
When the country was suffering through the summer of sky high gas prices, who was fighting to get our country more resources and reduce our dependence on foreign oil? Republicans in the House. Obama's input on the issue, we should all inflate our tires and use renewable sources. His claim that any new drilling will take 10 years to bring to market is a vapid claim that characterizes his entire campaign. We had the opportunity over 10 years ago to tap the oil in Alaska. Who turned back our efforts? Democrats, again and again!
Obama wants to decide who gets the wealth. His past efforts in spreading wealth include massive corruption in the Chicago public housing (Tony Resko). Is this what we want for our future? Do we want a President who would sit through 20 years of sermons attacking the United States, then leaves his faith because we finally learn what he has been listening to? Who has a close friend and supporter who bombed the capital and to this day is unrepentant?
Where did his 600 million in donations come from? How did he find that many people willing to give him 200 dollars at a time in untraceable credit cards? Finally, why do we know more about Joe the plumber than the candidate for President? He is a private citizen who dared ask a hard question. Why is Joe being excoriated by the press? Why is the Obama campaign attacking this citizen? Now we here about Obama’s national police. Is this what the future holds? It makes me wonder, how did we get here?
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