I have survived the first year of the Obama regime. Fortunately, I still have a job, for the rest of us, not so much. In this year of a bad economy, fighting two foreign wars and impending nuclear proliferation to Iran, what has the government been working on? How have they been doing? Well, first they passed the economic stimulus bill. Do you feel stimulated? The only expansion from that pork filled monstrosity has been government expansion. We still have 9.7 percent unemployment which is really worse than it sounds with all the discouraged workers. We have mounting debts that threaten to strangle our recovery. We have a new Health care law that doesn’t really improve any portion of our health care system, but does require business to insure their employees, increases regulation on insurance companies and cuts benefits to our seniors. Whew, what an improvement. What we really have is 25,000 new IRS agents to make us pay up. Sounds like the largest tax increase in American history. We also have huge new government regulations on banking, which normally would help re-ignite our economy. So next they want to “save the planet” with more new government taxes and regulations on our electrical generation industry and auto industry. The only problem is we can’t afford to pay higher electrical bills or purchase those new fuel efficient cars. Oh yeah, I forgot the wonderful cash for clunkers program that cost us billions in new debt. Just to be clear, this is exactly what the Democrats want. They want us controlled. They want us so burdened with debt and regulation, that we are forced to our knees and begging them for assistance. They have 10 percent of our working people in that position and they want more. They have 50% of the economy under their thumb and they want more. We have uncontrolled growth of unions festering inside our government causing continued bloating and deficit.
The Democrats have shown their true colors and we can never forget their agenda and what they truly want. They want power over you. Two years ago the American people gave it to them after several years of print and TV media cheering for all this “Change”.
The problem we face today is they are all wrong. Everything they are doing is attacking the fabric of America. We are a working nation. We need jobs. We are a capitalist nation built on freedom and liberty. They mean to take that from us. We are a God fearing country, they mock us.
I am done with all this. Today, this hour, we all need to start pushing back. We need to work hard to overturn all this poison that has been foisted on America. We need to find those patriots that will stand firm and protect our country, our freedom and our economy. Obama has done more harm to America in one year than Osama has done in a decade!
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