Introduction: My name is Doug Livengood. I was born in California, I have lived my whole life in this wonderful state. I was taught in public schools all the way through college in California. I love this state and this country. I am a father, a husband, a patriot and a citizen. I have a deep respect for those that came before me, Who fought and died to make this a free country. Who conceived of the constitution and then fought, bled and in many cases died to give me what we have today. I can imagine many of our founding fathers and brave patriots would look at our country today and just shake their heads. They would think “how could we have allowed this?” or “where did we go wrong?”. I want to tell you today that they didn’t go wrong. We, “that’s you and me” have allowed this country to careen off course and it is past time to start pushing this country back on the right course.
Now before I go too far you will have to forgive me. I am not a professional speaker and I don’t own a teleprompter so every once in a while I will need to check my notes. It won’t be too often because I am speaking from my heart and the words I say are true. I don’t have to make this stuff up as many professional politicians do.
I look at those in government who have seized the reigns of power and are currently seeking to steer our nation down the wrong road and I can’t just sit idly by waiting for the large crashing sound as they run us down a dead end road or off a cliff. I am losing sleep as I watch those in power purposely making choices that destroy what has made America great. Here are just some of the elements that the current cadre of elitists in Sacramento and Washington are selling:
1. The government must take over large swaths of our economy or we will fail.
2. We must spend trillions of dollars we don’t have to stimulate our economy.
3. By spending trillions of dollars we will reduce unemployment.
4. By bailing out our auto industry we will keep them from bankruptcy.
5. By appeasing those that seek our destruction they will play nice.
6. By making more regulations and increasing our costs we will improve our economy and grow “Green jobs”
7. By having the government administer our healthcare system we will have lower costs and better coverage.
I am not sure what world these people are from but they are selling large heaping truck loads of bull.
How did we get here?
When did liberty and capitalism become evil? I actually have friends who think profits are evil…
When did opposition to socialism and government takeover of healthcare become racist? I for one oppose their ideas and plans regardless of their skin tone! I believe that rhetorical line is purposeful and intended to oppress us and marginalize our point of view. I refute the label and will stand firm in my support of your freedom and liberty!
There are seven key elements to the plans currently being forced down our throats. If you add them up you can form an equation:
Government takeovers + Government overspending + Government solutions to all our problems = Decline, Depression and Slavery
Government takeovers are the auto industry, the banking industry, the student loan industry, the utilities and the healthcare system. They are no longer happy with just regulating our economy to death, they are now attempting to centrally plan large swaths of our economy. Even the Chinese are uncomfortable with our current economic policies.
Government overspending almost needs no definition. It has been going on for decades and we can no longer sit by and watch the destruction it causes. Why should we allow such waste and fraud?
A government solution to all our problems is the way our current leadership looks at the world. They think the only way to fix something or make something better is to get a government bureaucrat involved. They know better than we do. The government is more compassionate and is better trained and able to solve the big problems that we can’t. Those in power are trying to convince us they are our savior. I for one seek no government savior.
I define decline as a shrinking economy, a disheartened military, an ever increasing portion of our citizens who are unemployed and seeking assistance.
Depression is the going to be state of our economy if we don’t change course. We are already steaming toward those falls and we need to take control of our ship of state and turn back toward the safe course that will lead to our recovery.
I know slavery is a harsh term, but what would you call working for almost half of the year to pay your debt to society when you broke no law? Taxes are being considered and invented faster than in any time in my lifetime and at ever confiscatory rates. Those in the halls of power seek to take your treasure (money, freedom, liberty), add a large dose of bureaucracy and save America. We know that is failed formula. The press and the government want us to feel powerless to change the course of history. We need to stand firm against their tyranny. The state of California came to us in May after the largest tax increase in California history begging for more. We said no.
Let us consider for a second the results we see today from the big government solutions we face. First, the stimulous plan has funded every pet project ever conceived of by the ruling party. They have paid their union supporters back with our treasure. Second, the saved auto industry is actually bankrupt and in the grasp of the same unions that drove them to bankruptcy. Third, the stimulous was supposed to save jobs, we are approaching 10 percent unemployment nationwide and are way over that in our state. Sounds like progress to me. Finally, let’s consider the outcome of their priorities on capital hill. First, we must pass government healthcare and second, the cap in trade proposal. Each proposal mandates huge new costs on business and individuals while our economy collapses. Today the news is all about skyrocketing unemployment, plunging factory orders and escalating foreclosures. We are currently lead by a pack of fools with no idea how to restart the American economy. Their concepts of central planning and nationalization of industry worked so well for the communists in Russia. Those in power actually believe they can tax and regulate us into a growing economy.
The current course of the Federal government is following will lead to ever increasing taxes for you, me, our children and grand children. The real results of their equation is higher taxes, more regulation, less freedom and the death of liberty in America. We can’t afford to wait, we need to act today!
So how do we change course? What can we do?
The first and most important step is to stop them in their tracks. We do this by applying pressure, so loud and so long they can no longer ignore us. That means speaking out. That means removing from power all who seek our enslavement. Second, we must elect those that will repeal the laws, deflate the bloated bureaucracy and set us free. We can’t afford to just get along or try to improve on the administration of their ideas. Their ideas are poison. Just as the Fannie Mae and Freddy mac lending practices poisoned our banking industry, their other ideas are poisoning our economy. The foundation of their ideas is false. The earth is not dying. The earth has seasons. In the winter it is cold, in the summer it can get a little warm around here. Over time there are storms. Not one thing they propose can change any of that and we should not cripple our economy just to try some liberal climate control experiment. Capitalism is our birthright and provides us with huge opportunities not found anywhere else in the world. Freedom and capitalism together have helped us become a super power. We have helped others obtain freedom, we now need to stand up and stop our government from their attempts to make us into another Europe.
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