Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obama and the budget

Let’s talk about who is reckless and irresponsible in our government today. Is it irresponsible to seek an actual budget? Is it irresponsible to attempt to reign in a government that is out of control, spending and taxing and destroying our great nation? I say not. It is time to put the brakes on and change course.  The president and his party cries foul when they don’t get their way, talk about a bunch of whining children! They can’t stand it when they don’t get their way. They do not care about democracy or the constitution or the rule of law.  They want what they want regardless of the cost, destruction or death caused by Obamacare. What is the goal of those rascally republicans?  Stop funding the largest, most ill planned and ill executed boondoggle in decades. When I say funding I mean stop spending what we don’t have to create another government failure. I figure that the Democrats could stand on their proposal if they had the money to pay for it, but they don’t. They want my children and my children’s children to pay for their idiotic, ill defined and destructive programs that don’t work.  Each of us is looking at our health care differently today. We no longer can choose the care we need. The government has taken that away. We can only purchase healthcare that is approved by the new Obamacare law.  They said it would cost each family less. That was a lie. Look at the premiums, take a dose of reality. This is going to increase our costs and reduce our coverage leaving us with less each month to support our families. If you can’t afford the new coverage, then guess what, you can always pay a fine to the government… What a deal! 
For those who support the president and his policies, which policy has helped you? Are you better off today that 5 years ago? How can you still be enjoying this man’s Koolaid?

I for one find the President’s handling of the budget negotiation extremely childish.  He is sitting up in his ivory house choosing winners and losers.  Closing down open area monuments in the capital, really?  Not funding food for small children, really?  Everything is politics to this man.  He has great hubris towards each of us (he hates us). There is no other explanation.  Listen to his words. Watch his eyes. The president has no love for his country or its citizens. That is clear.  He loves power.  Note how few of his policies have actually been run through congress.  This man has done most of his ruling through presidential order. His leadership or lack there of is why our country is failing. The world see’s it. I see it. Perhaps you should take a close look and see for yourself.  I am grateful to have a few patriots left in this country that are willing to stand up and attempt to stop this dictator.

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