Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saving the state of California

California is a terrible way after decades of Democrat control in our assembly and senate. As our state goes down in flames financially, the governor and legislature hold our children hostage through education spending cuts and threats.

The governor thinks that raising our taxes to invest in our future is the answer. Nothing could be further from the truth.  There is no amount of money the Democrats would be satisfied with. The last tax increase was followed immediately with another proposed tax increase to “fix” the problem. Our state government is out of control and needs to be fired. We tried the liberal, big government solutions for decades now and our economy is in shambles. Their only answer is to increase spending, increase taxing until everyone is paying their “fair share”. We pay enough! The Democrats ideas are bankrupt. Their budgets are broken. Their programs are a failure and they are trying to bankrupt the rest of us.

We can no longer afford to live in their liberal nirvana of a government program to fix each problem. We can’t afford extravagant pensions. We can’t afford union rules and stupid laws that hamper our ability to educate, build, manage, compete and protect our citizens. Unions are trying to buy this election with millions poured into campaigns across the state.

We need leaders that can take the clear choice to cut the bloated state government and the ever expanding and over funded state entitlements.

I propose the following clear choices to fix our state:

 Stop funding all unfunded mandates.

 Return all property taxes to the local schools, counties and cities to protect them from the state.

 Reduce the state government employment to a sustainable level.

 Eliminate all state government employee unions.

 Eliminate prevailing wage.

 Overturn all laws that reduce our ability to compete on the world stage.

 Reduce our welfare and entitlements to sustainable levels that compare with other states.

In the last 10 years we have slipped from one of the top economies in the world to a state with around 10 percent unemployment. We need to make true reform. No half measures, we can't afford them today.

Vote no on the tax increases including prop 30, prop 38 and prop 39 and most importantly vote yes on prop 32 and help save our state. Vote for Republicans who see that government is the problem not the answer.

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