Where are we headed? Do we really want to sit back and let this happen? Biden is a puppet. He wants to be Obama 2. Can our country afford this? Will we recover if he shuts us down? Do you actually believe Trump lost that election? I have huge concerns for our future. Here is what I see happening if the Democrats fully implement their agenda:
1. A Huge new set of regulations are about to spew out of Washington stealing control of our economy from the citizens and putting the country under governmental control.
2. Corona Virus rules that will limit our ability to support ourselves. We are being driven to our knees and we will be sent begging to the government for support through their planned draconian rules. Stay at home orders, masks, small business persecution are just the opening volley in their plan of expanding government power over our lives.
3. Foreign policy debacles are headed our way. All the hard work Trump did to secure the world and seek peace through power are about to be thrown out the window as the corrupt Biden crime family seeks gain from our enemies to increase their wealth and power. Iran will get the bomb. North Korea will be allowed to expand their arms and nuclear ambitions. The middle east will explode as Iran seeks to expand their power base through support of the many terrorists in the region. They will strike a blow to America and Israel as the seek revenge and Biden's weak foreign policy leads to more death. Russia and China will continue their expansion plans. Taiwan will fall without strong support. The African continent will be heavily influenced as China reaches and increases its sphere of influence.
4. America's energy industry (which is the strongest in the world), will come under assault as Biden's regulations and taxes hamstring the oil producers. The green new deal and carbon taxes planned by the democrats will wreck our economy as we attempt to climb out of the Corona Virus pit.
5. America's health care industry is next. They will pass their universal single payer health insurance system, destroying our insurance industry and hampering our ability to cure future plagues. Death panels are still part of their plan. If you are too old or too sick, look out, they are after you. Just as Governor Cuomo sent thousands of covid patients into nursing homes to thin the herd, we face bad public health policy as they seek to limit costs. The other side of this massive tax increases to cover the cost of coverage for all Americans. Not a good idea in the middle of a pandemic, but they have their agenda and we really don't matter to them.
6. Freedom of speech, religion, and property will continue to be under assault as the power hungry democrats seek to cancel us for our thoughts and speech. Our churches will continue to be closed and our property taxes and income taxes and other taxes will explode as they seek to pay for their bad ideas.
I still have hope that we can survive the next couple of years and kick the Demo thugs out of office and reclaim our country. My biggest concern is our elections will continue to be corrupted and stolen by the Democrat machine.
Will you accept this or reject it? Do you support this future? Really?
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