As a now infamous Democrat once stated: What does it matter anyway?
We have coronated a false president, who won the election by fraud. We face a future defined by a fraudulent pretender who intends to crush those that speak the truth and will not submit to his tyranny.
We should all consider how we can support and sustain the constitution of the United States when it is lead by people who have done anything and everything in order to obtain power. They are supported by a news media that will cover up their skeletons and sing praises about their policies. They seek to destroy all who seek to limit their power of accuse them of fraud. The media, internet titans and democrat hacks have brought this travesty to fruition. Four years seems like a really long time to have to deal with this.
Truth is now under attack. Freedom of speech is not allowed. Freedom of religion is destroyed so they can save us from their China virus. We are told to stay home and not move about freely. How much will you stand for? Does it matter? Are your freedoms to be handed over because of fear and intimidation?
I want the truth. I want a duly elected President. Once all the data is finally in on the election and the fraudsters and hacks have been fully uncovered, I hope to have it. We will see.
Check out the conservative Daily podcast # 263 for more details on the fraudulent election. If you can't find it, know the titans are tearing down all opposing and the truth.
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