America may survive the current regime, but our standing in
the world, our economic power and our society have taken serious hits over the
last 5 years.
Our President keeps choosing to support those that have no
love for us. He seeks to hurt our alliances and has alienated much of the
world. Egypt, Syria, Libya are now wrecked with Islamic fanatics tearing those
countries to pieces as our president sits on his thumbs or worse supports our
enemies. When is America going to wake up to this guy’s real agenda?
We have been sliding down the slippery slope of failed
economic policies for 5 years now. Our government has mortgaged our future for
generations with its spending policies.
Our employment levels and growth are so anemic that we have
millions of Americans who may never work again due to regulation, extended
unemployment coverage and Obamacare.
For most of his presidency, Obama has looked to implement
his agenda. He has gotten most of what he wants. Has that been good for you? Is
our country stronger? Do we get along better? Are we color blind? Which
race is racist today? What does he want for the next 3 years? Will
you be able to afford his leadership?
The best way for us to get back on the right track involves
you taking responsibility for our future. Each of us need to elect those that
will rebuild our country.
We have seen what the Democrats want and what they have
delivered. Each policy has failed to deliver what we need. The Democrats never
want to fix anything. If they fix something, what will they campaign on in the
next election? Democratic policies are designed to fail. They want to
say, “the only way to fix that problem is more of their solution”. The
problem is their prescription is poison and will never cure the anything.
We need leaders that are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and fix what is
broken. Economic growth, strong world leadership and strengthening our families
and society are the goals. In order to change our country we have to
start now and continue to push for leadership, strength and policy that will
save this sinking ship and put it back on a course that will lead to our