<p>An investment in our future is a tax increase to pay for someone's bright idea.<br>
Working class is anyone in a union.<br>
Leveling the playing field means punishing the successful to lift up the lazy.<br>
The wealthy should pay their fair share, means they should be punished for their success.<br>
Rebuild our infrastructure is pay off my union buddies.<br>
Its for the children is for their teacher union buddies.<br>
When they say we need to pull together or come together it really means we need to do what they want.<br>
When they support politically correct speech they want you to shut up.<br>
When they want to balance the budget they really want to raise your taxes.<br>
Liberals think we are too stupid to care for ourselves and others so they think we must have this government program or that or our country will just collapse.
The big issue is all of those programs destroy personal responsibility and hold us down.
Unemployment payments lead to more and more unemployment as people get used to getting their check instead of working for their support.
Welfare is a trap. Government poverty programs have hurt the family as the programs encourage single parent families.
The last 6 years of democrat control of the senate and 4 years of Obama have wrecked our economy, destroyed our ability to compete across the world and left us deep in debt.
What we need is a complete reversal of the last 4 years.
We need to repeal Obamacare and all of their job and investment destroying regulations. We need to reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
We need to retake our role of world leader and protect our interests across the globe.
Finally, we need to recapture what has America great since our inception, individual freedom, economic freedom and our constitution. We need to rebuild those institutions that the liberals continue to attack including our families, our individual freedom, our churches and our freedom of speech.
America is a great country, we have nothing to apologize for, today is the day to stand strong and support conservatives as we get our country back on track. Vote for Mitt and the republicans who will bring us back from the brink.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
What liberals mean when they say
Saving the state of California
California is a terrible way after decades of Democrat control in our assembly and senate. As our state goes down in flames financially, the governor and legislature hold our children hostage through education spending cuts and threats.
The governor thinks that raising our taxes to invest in our future is the answer. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is no amount of money the Democrats would be satisfied with. The last tax increase was followed immediately with another proposed tax increase to “fix” the problem. Our state government is out of control and needs to be fired. We tried the liberal, big government solutions for decades now and our economy is in shambles. Their only answer is to increase spending, increase taxing until everyone is paying their “fair share”. We pay enough! The Democrats ideas are bankrupt. Their budgets are broken. Their programs are a failure and they are trying to bankrupt the rest of us.
We can no longer afford to live in their liberal nirvana of a government program to fix each problem. We can’t afford extravagant pensions. We can’t afford union rules and stupid laws that hamper our ability to educate, build, manage, compete and protect our citizens. Unions are trying to buy this election with millions poured into campaigns across the state.
We need leaders that can take the clear choice to cut the bloated state government and the ever expanding and over funded state entitlements.
I propose the following clear choices to fix our state:
Stop funding all unfunded mandates.
Return all property taxes to the local schools, counties and cities to protect them from the state.
Reduce the state government employment to a sustainable level.
Eliminate all state government employee unions.
Eliminate prevailing wage.
Overturn all laws that reduce our ability to compete on the world stage.
Reduce our welfare and entitlements to sustainable levels that compare with other states.
In the last 10 years we have slipped from one of the top economies in the world to a state with around 10 percent unemployment. We need to make true reform. No half measures, we can't afford them today.
Vote no on the tax increases including prop 30, prop 38 and prop 39 and most importantly vote yes on prop 32 and help save our state. Vote for Republicans who see that government is the problem not the answer.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
How many whoppers does it take to win the Presidency?
President Obama has reached new heights in his false and misleading statements in the last two debates. Funny how he calls his opponent a liar while he spews a constant stream of garbage. Consider the man who would stand by and watch as our ambassador is slaughtered, then refuse aid, then had the gall to call the attack a spontaneous demonstration and blame freedom of speech for the attack. Facts don't matter. Over and over again his reality is proven not to be real. Is he so high up his ivory tower he has lost touch with the rest of us? Does he not get how he comes off? Actually lecturing on military hardware when he continually skips his intelligence briefings is pretty comical. He abandoned ship in Iraq and Russia and Iran are moving in, such great leadership. He is cutting out of Afghanistan with no clear policy to stop Al Qaeda. He claims his policies have lead to freedom in the middle east, seems like the new governments are more radical and dangerous than before. Pakistan is a tinderbox. Iran is 4 years closer to their nuclear aspirations and Obama wants to talk them out of it. Really?
Own friends have been disrespected and ignored. Our enemies have been coddled and occasionally scolded. Is that a strong foreign policy? Obama thinks that a diminished America makes the world better. It actually leads to instability and an increased threat to our own peace and prosperity.! Can the US afford to lead from behind or count on the UN for our security, peace and freedom? Mitt Romney clearly stated his agenda last night. He understands that we can't afford to abandon our leadership of the world. He is willing to maintain and strengthen our military to keep our enemies at bay. He wants peace and is willing to maintain our role in the world that will lead to more peace and prosperity in the world.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Understanding Obama's Dream
When Obama ran for President in 2008 he ran on hope and change. Few of us understood what that meant and what Obama's dream was for America. To define Obama's dream we need to look at some of his guiding principles. From what I see the following statements best define Obama's views. First, government is better than we are. Government manages better, is more efficient and cares more than we do. It then would be obvious to Obama that if we turned all of our cares and problems over to the government we will be reach his nirvana of happiness and safety. Next, we have the principle that says that since government does not earn a profit it must be better and more efficient than private, for profit business. This leads us to his next great principle, profit is bad. Let's take a look at foreign policy now. Obama thinks that our relationship with the world has been bad. Our leadership has oppressed and our enemies were caused by our actions. Obama wants to abdicate our world leadership and let the united nations or anyone else take the lead. He thinks if we talk to our enemies magically they will stop trying to kill us and our friends. If we withdraw from the world they won't be mad at us anymore. He thinks that we have nothing to fear from the fundamentalist Muslim groups that continue to pour money and men into Al Qaeda. Next, we have Obama's view of each of us. He thinks that we are uninformed, rather stupid and gullible. He thinks he can lie and cheat his way into another 4 years and his lapdog press will keep lapping up his junk and slobbering on us with their completely biased reports So, now that we have a clearer understanding of Obama's world view, we come to his dream. Obama's dream is to take care of us (since we are incapable of caring for ourselves). He believes the rest of the world is better able to manage our international affairs (so our country should just step back from the world stage). His dream is to concentrate command and control of the economy in Washington with those that are "smart enough". His dream continues to reduce our world footprint and take us down a notch to "level" the playing field and reduce our impact on the world.
We are living his dream. This is what he wants. We are at risk, the world no longer respects us. Our economy is wobbly and is having a difficult time building a recovery as Obama continues to change the economic stage with more regulations and the specter of higher taxes looming at the end of the year. If you are better off today and feel safer and more prosperous, then perhaps Obama is your man. For the rest of us Romney has a clear plan, the experience we need and his dream is our success and expanded freedom.