So now we have had 3+ years of Obama's leadership, what do we have to show for it? Do we have a better country? Is our standing in the world improved? Do our citizens have more liberty? Are we prospering under his leadership? Is your life better? Did the country make a good choice 4 years ago? It seems to me President Obama has made a series of left turns that have lead our country in the wrong direction. We see decreased wealth, decreased security, decreased liberty day after day with only one end in sight (our collapse).
We have seen overwhelming levels of government waste and corruption leading to trillions of dollars in debt over the last 4 years. Instead of encouraging business, Obama chose to expand government by absorbing or over regulating entire industries. We see heartbreaking poverty and unemployment not seen in decades. We have medication shortages directly related to federal efforts. Health insurance costs continue to skyrocket while our access to lifesaving medical care has drifted from our grasp. Obama has attempted to level the playing field, but the net affect has been pushing us all down, hurting millions of us as Obama continues to attack success. Obama's policies have born their bitter fruit (increased unemployment, massive increase in our national debt, not a single budget in 3+ years, increased regulation, government take over of whole segments our economy) leaving us divided, weakened and disheartened. Millions of Americans are forced to grovel for government handouts where just a few years ago they were self sustaining. When the president talks about going back, that is where we need to go. Back to liberty, self sustenance and success. My greatest fear is Americans will listen to the lapdog press and vote for another four years of this disastrous presidency.
Today, this minute, we need to choose to elect someone who still believes in the American dream. MItt Romney not only believes in us, he has lived that dream. He knows what to do, because he has done it. America needs to repeal, reduce and rebuild starting with this election. Instead of making new laws we need to repeal each and every law and/or regulation that hampers our ability to prosper. We need to reduce the size and scope of the government and reject government unions. We need to restore our good name in the world by projecting our excellence an