It’s a shame how many people have bought into the worldwide warming scam. The press, the government and now an everyday citizen are sounding the alarm. Could it be? Back in the 70's it was global cooling that was going to kill us and end the world. Normal scientific inquiry involves a clear inspection of results with no particular agenda attached. Today we have a large body of science that is paid to find statistics that show that the climate is warming. The "Climate Research Unit at England's University of East Anglia indicate a number of the world's most important scientists engaged in research designed to prove that global warming really does exist may have been cooking the books" as reported last year. The Washington Examiner reported that "... the e-mails suggest that CRU scientists have been suppressing and misstating data and working to prevent the publication of conflicting views in peer-reviewed science periodicals." Another major factor in the statistics is the fact that many of the sensors are no longer in use. Especially the sensors that were in rural areas. According to Fox News "nearly every single weather station the U.S. government uses to measure the country's surface temperature may be compromised. Sensors that are supposed to be in empty clearings are instead exposed to crackling electronics and other unlikely sources of heat, from exhaust pipes and trash-burning barrels to chimneys and human graves".
The whole concept of man caused global climate change is based on junk science. There is no causality. When you compare man's contribution to the global climate it has about as much impact as a fart in the middle of a tornado. It is awfully vain to think that we can possibly modify the world's climate. If we did cause the changes in climate, how/why are the ice caps melting on Mars? The real source of our climate heating or cooling is the suns’ activity. Man can’t change the climate but with the massive thermal and radiation output of the sun, temperatures can oscillate. Sun caused climate changes would also explain the ice caps melting on Mars. Instead of wrecking our whole economy to meet some fantastic science fiction theory that will have no affect on the global climate, maybe we ought to look at the motivation of those seeking to fatten their budgets and invent catastrophe! Science with an agenda is not true science.