I used to think of President Obama as just another empty suit. I listened to his vapid remarks and campaign slogans and I would wonder, where's the beef? Over time as I saw him wreak havoc on our foreign policy, apologize to the world for our "bad behavior" and disrespect our friends. I saw a man with no love of country. Then I look at his efforts to improve America and his abject failure and I think perhaps the empty suit actually has no suit at all. This man has nothing to offer. No ideas. No solutions. Nothing, vapor, smoke! There has never been a less prepared, less capable President in the history of the United States. That says a lot considering the failure of Jimmy Carter. But this vapor man is bringing even less to table. He can't speak without a teleprompter. His ideas come from ivory towers with no basis in reality. We are suffering through his massive stimulus that bled our economy of the capital needed to recover. The cash for clunkers that just put us further in debt. The takeover of huge segments of our private economy (GM, Chrysler, ..). His crowning achievement of his first year was the massive healthcare bill which will just drive up costs and bankrupt the government. The country has been driven off a cliff. Obama is in the driver’s seat. He is crowing about how fast we are moving. His change won't be really felt till we hit bottom. I am afraid we can't undo this, we don't have time. The rocks are coming up at us too fast. We have a chance this fall to cushion our descent. The Congress must be overturned!
America can't afford Obama and his cronies. They all need to resign and go home. Real leaders, men and women of character and courage need to step forward and bring real solutions to our country. The government must be brought back under control. We need real people, patriots to take the reins of power away and lead us out of this quagmire. Hard decisions need to be made now. Those kinds of decisions are impossible for politicians to make.
We can no longer afford to borrow the world’s wealth to feed our ever increasing government. We can no longer afford to allow out of control government growth and expense. You can help stop this!